Whats the music called? or Band name...
Whats the music called? or Band name...
Well as I said in the commentary, the name of the song is Remind Me, by Royksopp. You can buy it on iTunes...
Great song, though, huh?
The best ever
Oh the end was so perfect, O shi~ LA LA LA LA LA
King of al cozmos, king of all cozmos can suckah muh balls, magikarp, give this movie a 5
I choose you, Ditto. oh shi~
Lol, I have to watch the BrainPop in Science class like every day and that was portrayed awsomely
"Brainpop, We need more money"
I also noticed that the guy's shirt spells Boo when hes upsidedown
And and! whats this?! 3 THUMBS UP!!!!
Oy Vey!
omg lol I loved it!
Someone finaly used a Longcat cameo!!!! >:D
For those who dont know how this is a pardoy, go to google and look up "Nighmare City"
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Joined on 5/3/07